x server failed to start- Linux Debian?
I was trying to configure the resolution of my laptop, when i restarted i get this error, do i need to reinstall the entire system? research on the internet helped a little, X -configure was helpful, it told me that the error was that the system couldn’t find a mouse! how can i edit the x server file from the command line so as to fix this, please any suggestions would be extremely thanked…please!
Tagged with: entire system • laptop • system research • x server
Filed under: Debian
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dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
there is a file like "xorg.conf.backup" and simply copy it’s content to the "xorg.conf"
Most Linux Distros do not run well on laptops.
To find out what distro works on your laptop, by make & model, go here:
Try editing the xorg.conf and changing the resolution back to what it was.
Let me emphasize what was said above:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Any time you edit the xorg.config file on debian in ANY other way you have a ticking time bomb which will blow up as soon as xserver-xorg ges updated. And it will. The first choice is usually mouse. I find even for laptops it usually works best if I choose ps2 for mouse configuration. You will also have to tell it your keyboard, graphics card and choose a resolution for your monitor so you may have to run it a couple of times to get a server you are comfortable with (I know I did) but that’s how you do it. If you want to edit xorg.config by hand use Slackware or Gentoo.
Oh, notice I said sudo? You can only run dpkg-reconfigure as root. I advocate using sudo for root access — wherever possible to the exclusion of other methods. If you don’t have access to sudo yet edit your /etc/sudoers file and put your user name in under root.