Would I be able to find a Mandrake root in south eastern MA?
Saturday, July 17th, 2010 at
Just curious whether I would be able to dig up a Mandrake root in south eastern MA. Keep hearing stuff about the superstitions around them. Thank you.
Tagged with: mandrake root • superstitions
Filed under: Mandrake
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The plant is native to southern and central Europe and in lands around the Mediterranean Sea, as well as on Corsica.
It’s native to south and central Europe and around the Mediterranean sea, so it’s doubtful you’d find a wild one in Massachusetts. You might be able to grow one if you could get seed, but the Massachusetts winters would probably be too cold for it. And all the superstitions are is superstitions – forget them.
The roots are easy to get but they are very expensive
Mandrake is a general name for several plants that were used for magic and medicine .The most famous is mandragora officinarum or true mandrake There is also American mandrake podophylum peltatam which is predominantly used in American Indian folk medicine