Will restoring my hard drive using the Microsoft restoring crap delete my Linux partition?
Wednesday, January 6th, 2010 at
I’m having the most terrible fracking problems with Ubuntu for some fracking reason, and I need to get rid of it, and since this is a new comp with nothing important yet, I suppose I have nothing to lose by restoring my hard drive or whatever….
So, will it?
Tagged with: hard drive • ubuntu
Filed under: Microsoft
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if you wnt to format your linux partition to windows partition
right clik on my computer icon in the desk top
take manage here you take disk management,
delete the logical drive you want to format, by right cliking on the drive,
then format it assain a new driv letter .. thats all,
if you want your linux (ubuntu) back,
boot your computer with the ubuntu live cd
On pressing CTRL + ALT + F1 on login window gives you command line,
sudo grub
grub root
##now you get inside grub
grub> find/boot/grub/stage1
now you get a list like (hdo,)
grub> root (hd0,1) ##as on the list
grub>setup (hd0)
or otherwise use a Super grub disk, just burn the image to a cd and boot with the cd, it will fix ur grub
I’m not sure about the restore, but if you put the OS (xp, 98, me) disk in your drive and reboot from the disk, it will ask you if you want to re-install windows, and if you do a full reinstall, it will ask which partition you want it to install on, it also has an option to erase each partition.
best way is to use gparted bootcd. reofrmat/partition your machine the way you want it then boot to windoze cd and install.