Why do I get a sick feeling when using Ubuntu Linux and Microsoft Windows VIsta?
I’m not meaning this as if they are bad, they are both great. It’s just that whenever I use them I get an odd feeling in my stomach. My mother told me that sometimes colors and designs make some people feel a little woozy.
I only get this feeling when I’m looking at extremely high detailed and clean looking interfaces. Now with Microsoft Windows XP I can look at it and not feel woozy since I can look closely at the task bar and see the grain of the granite. But with Ubuntu and Vista, I cannot. Why is this?
And no I’m not prone to seizures.
Tagged with: colors • granite • Microsoft • microsoft windows • seizures • stomach • task bar • ubuntu • windows xp • woozy
Filed under: Microsoft
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Most likely it’s the themes, with to much colour contrast and depth of field. Try using a different theme on Vista, say windows classic, and see if that makes a difference. Also when on ubuntu, you should try the Mac4Lin theme, it’s like OS X and it’s pretty much the most colour free, depth free basic theme. If that makes a big difference, then we’ve found out what is wrong.
(though with Vista, it’s probably just the fact its a terrible operating system :P)
It’s possible that you need glasses (or, if you have glasses, that you need a new prescription).