which one do u think is the best microsoft or linux?
Saturday, August 29th, 2009 at
i would like to know peoples view about linux and microsoft battel?
Tagged with: battel • Linux • Microsoft
Filed under: Microsoft
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Linux is more stable, more secure etc. to use, but the problem is if your a casual user then Linux isn’t for you, plus you’ll have a hard time finding mainstream programs that work on Linux.
Theres not really a battle as they are in two different markets, Linux is open-source and Windows is closed-source, the only similar thing about them is that they are both OS’s
I like Linux myself, but Microsoft has better overall support from 3rd party companies.
Linux can, however, run MS Windows programs using a program called WINE.
If you want to, you could actually dual-boot so that you can have both operating systems on one computer. I’m not entirely sure how to do that though.
Well, Microsoft is more expensive, but it doesn’t require much intelligence so if you don’t really give a shit, you might as well just pay Bill Gates to send money to the kids in Africa.
If you prefer to have a reliable and extremely customizable system which is constantly being worked on and improved throughout the online community by extremely intelligent people who simply don’t like drug tests, try Linux. There’s more of them and they’re probably smarter than the "straight-shooters" working for MS.
As far as everything is considered, Linux is really a better OS if you know how to use it. It’s only fair to say that both Windows and Linux offer certain things that can’t be found in the other, but overall, Linux kicks Windows pretty hard.
Linux is more stable, more secure and more versatile than windows will ever be, because windows is controlled by a relatively small group of computer wizards and corporate gurus. Microsoft isn’t about computers as much as it’s about money, although to them, money and computers are probably the same thing.
Linux was built with flexible consideration for far more than how much they would be able to charge for it. After all, it’s free.
microsoft its best
happy womens day
i’ve only ever used microsoft. haven’t tried linux yet but have some family members in the computer business and one that owns a large one in the silicone valley and they’ve been talking a little better about linux. making me hard to decide what to do for my next computer i need