What's the most user-friendly way to install and run a LINUX OS?
Saturday, February 20th, 2010 at
What distribution should I use/ download? How can I partition my hard drive without screwing anything up?
Tagged with: hard drive • partition
Filed under: Linux
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I prefer linux mint or any other ubuntu based distro for newbies
Mandriva 2008. Is the way to great desktop OS. Superb graphical user interface especially the multimedia. Partition it into a default option, since you are a newbie.
But if you are installing a server, use the community version of Red Hat Enterprise the CEntOS 4 or 5. The most secured server OS.
if you go to http://www.ubuntu.com you can download the ISO file for ubuntu. once you burn it to the CD it will be what they call a Live CD. it has almost all the fuctionality of an installed Ubuntu OS so it gives you a chance to try it out first. if you search the forums there you can find out how to set up your computer to dual boot with Linux.
I would start with Ubuntu. 1st question I have what your Computer/Laptop Spec’s and Which are u using a Computer/Laptop?
Ubuntu is by far the most user friendly flavour of Linux. The installation process is as easy as inserting a cd and following the prompts.