What's the difference between Linux Fedora CD and DVD?
Monday, May 23rd, 2011 at
I want to know if Fedora DVD has more contents than the CD such as more programs, applications and capabilities.
Tagged with: capabilities • fedora
Filed under: Linux Applications
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Well the DVD could possibly contain more files but it could also contain the same amount of files. The
CD probably has more file compression than the DVD which would speed up installation; the CD compressed files would need to be uncompressed prior to installation whereas the uncompressed files on a DVD would install directly when called by the install program.
If you have a DVD RW drive I would suggest downloading the DVD .iso image.
If you Use Fedora CD for Installation you need to change 4 to 5 cd step by step in installation process.
if you use Fedora DVD you Don’t need to change, Installation will complete one time when you insert DVD.
There is no Difference in CD’s or DVD’s
Free Linux Support
A CD can hold up to 700 megabytes of data (that’s 0.7 gigabytes).
A DVD can hold up to 4.7 gigabytes of data (that’s 4,700 megabytes).
The operating system doesn’t matter.
There is no difference. If the version of Fedora on CD and DVD are same then the contents are also exactly the same.
Fedora DVD installs onto your system itself. The CD is a live version of Fedora which loads into your memory and boots straight into the operating system itself.
If you plan to have a permanent installation on your hard drive, go for the DVD. And yes it contains more programs than the CD. However, if you plan to test Fedora out without making changes to your hard drive, use the CD. It wouldn’t make any permanent changes to your system and would let you run linux without the need for an install. The down side though is that you can’t save any changes that you make to the operating system (wallpapers, display settings, installed drivers or programs etc.)