Whats the difference between Linux and Microsoft Operating systems? which do you recomend?
Saturday, July 11th, 2009 at
Which is more user friendly and effecient?
Filed under: Microsoft
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If u r looking got user friendly stick to windows. If u dont have a thorough knowledge of computers u will lost using Linux.
That’s a toughy.. linux users are loyal..I’ve thought about switching. Linux is immune to allot of the viruses and other problems that targets win OS’s.. Mac is another one that is almost totally immune to most things.. I’d poll, research… There’s some others OS’s you can check out too..
To use Linux you need to know the OS better than with windows. If you are asking what the difference is then stick with windows. 95% of the computers and programs use it. If you are eager to learn, then try linux. It’s more efficient, more stable, more flexible. And free!!!! If you have an old pc, load linux on it to play with. Make sure you load a GUI desktop as part of the setup like KDE or something. If you only have one PC, maybe try making it a dual-boot so you can use windows if u get too frustrated.