What is the process of download in linux?
Monday, July 4th, 2011 at
I want to download Linux (Fedora or Debian). I downloaded Fedora and its currently in an .iso file. What do I do know? I’m completley new at this. And I need a list of what software to use and I want to spend {content}.00. And I’ll need a list of supplies that are needed. Most detailed gets best answer.
Tagged with: fedora • iso file • Linux
Filed under: Debian
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once you have the .iso file you simply burn it to a cd or dvd , you can do this with nero , select burn a disk image stick the cd in and your ready to go .
,. if your new to Linux i suggest using a Ubuntu , it’s based of the debain you downloaded before but it is much more user friendly and allows you to get software quite easily with a graphic interface. And best of all you don’t even need to download it with their ship it service they can mail you a copy absolutely free. Ubuntu can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/
ok, depends what version you downloaded..
the 6 cd one?
or 1 dvd one?
if you only downloaded one of the cd’s you need the complete set..
to make a cd or dvd from the ISO you need a cd writing program.. such as
I use nero, so am not sure about that one.. but it’s free
so you install the writing software, burn from image (the iso)
you’ll get an install cd or dvd.. boot up the pc with it in and it will start the install process.. =)
there are plenty of guides on the net on how to install linux..
there are magazines also out there that include the full versions of linux such as open suse / ubuntu to save you the hassle of even downloading such big files..
the FULL dvd iso of open suse weighs in at 4.7 gb or something.. my provider when nuts when I downloaded it.