What Is The Better System We Can To Use Is In Our Homes / Offices LINUX or WINDOWS?
Thursday, May 13th, 2010 at
Let’s See For The Best And More Controler System
And The Most Easyest Opration System Between Microsoft And Linux …
Becouse I were Used Windows Sinc 1995 Bet When I See Linux I were look To a lot’s of Thig’s That Windows was blooked these and Access Denided ..
Tagged with: bet • Linux • Microsoft • thig
Filed under: Microsoft
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I would say give Linux an effort to see if it does what you all need it to do. Productivity is king. For me Linux does just fine but I have a degree in Computer Science and I am a developer that writes code on just about any major system out there. If you are trying to save some money if you have more than 20 or 30 computers Linux can save you quite a bit of money since it is a Free system. The Mac OS can give you the same security as Linux and their computers are pretty. Windows I only use for playing games.
Hope that Helped
Why Don’t You Try A Mac?
It Took Me 10 Mins To Switch From Windows To Mac.
It Is Simillar To Linux They Both UNIX Base.
Simple And Easy, Works Directly Outside The Package.
Not Affected By Any PC Virus, Can Run Windowx & Linux Using Certain A Program.
Linux is has less hackers attacking it as the windows based systems. If you are used to windows I would continue with that system as you are already familiar with it.