What is a good burning software for Ubuntu Linux OS?
Tuesday, September 29th, 2009 at
Can anyone suggest a easy to use software for burning CD’s and DVD’s for Linux Ubuntu version 8.04?
Tagged with: burning cd • Linux • ubuntu
Filed under: Linux
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Brasero (ships with Ubuntu) and K3b are really good burning application.
If you prefer Nero, you may try Nero Linux. The Linux’s version is similar with Windows’s.
you already have a good burning software package with ubuntu.
click on applications. click on sound and videp click on Brasero. though K3d is a better system, you would need to run KDE Desktop to use it
you could install KDE desktop along side Gnome desktop then pick the desktop to boot up into when you start ubnutu read up on how you do this
to install KDE click on systems, click on administration, click on synaptic package management search for KDE and install it
then search for K3d and install it