What filesystem should I use for an external HDD used for both linux and OS X?
What file system should I use for an external HDD used for both Linux and OS X?
I have a Mac (OS X 10.4.7) and an Ubuntu PC (6.06). What file system should I use for a shared 300GB ext hdd? I’ve read that OS X has no (first or third party) support for NTFS, and read only support for ext2 and no support for ext3. Meanwhile Ubuntu has no support for HFS+.
The disk I want to format is 300GB. Is that too big for FAT32? If so, how do I format it as such?
I’m open to any solutions, no matter how messy.
Tagged with: ext2 • external hdd • fat32 • Linux • mac os x • ntfs • os x • third party • ubuntu
Filed under: Linux
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You dont have to format the entire disk with just one file system. You can create partitions, one for each OS, and format each partition with whatever filesystem you’d like.
partition the drive using a bootdisk for windows 98 it has a program in it called fdisk.exe it will allow you to partition the drive down into sections small enogh for fat32 you can get the boot disk from http://www.bootdisk.com