What are the system requirements for Mandriva Linux Free (the DVD edition, not One)?
I have a decent rig, but the partition in which i want to install Mandriva 2009 Spring is no bigger than 6 gigs (it previously had Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex installed) Will that do? Also, i had problems when writing to one of my NTFS partitions from Ubuntu, especially when downloading torrents directly to that partition. Does anyone know the cause for this, or if i might face the same problems with Mandriva?
Tagged with: ibex • ntfs partitions • partition • rig • torrents
Filed under: Mandrake
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Ubuntu is supposed to be able to read and write to ntfs without problem. You were using the latest version of ubuntu so you should have had the latest version of ntfs-3g/ Apparently Mandriva can also. See the second link 4.1
You can install mandriva on a 6GB partition but you will be limited in the amount of additional software/files you will be able to add; music, large programs like openoffice, etc.
Have fun
Mandriva will fit in the 6GB partition (though I suggest having a min 20GB for any OS). The problem your having with NTFS has mostly been cleared up in Ubuntu 9.04 (there are still some issues but that is because NTFS is a closed standard and a lot of trial and error had to be used to get it to work in the first place). Mandriva does a far worse job then Ubuntu dealing with NTFS though (the only other Linux Disto that seems to work as well as Ubuntu is Fedora). The best solution I’ve heard for Mandriva to talk to Windows is to use Samba and treat the NTFS partition as a network drive.