my wireless keyboard worked at the dos screen but once in the linux os it won't work, what do i do?
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 at
It is a wireless logitech keyboard and mouse. I have a regular mouse with a usb port and it worked fine, i dunno maybe the os won’t read this type of keyboard and mouse grrrr.
Tagged with: logitech keyboard • usb port
Filed under: Linux
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Most likely, the issue is that the Linux kernel you are using doesn’t have the drivers for your wireless keyboard loaded (most likely, the driver for the USB port itself). The most likely reason is that either it isn’t set up to load the correct USB driver, doesn’t have the correct USB driver, or is encountering some kind of error before it gets to the point where it would load the USB driver.
The simplest workaround until you can fix the real problem is this: go into your CMOS setup and make sure USB legacy support is enabled.
If that doesn’t fix it, you’ll have to fix that Linux install to load the correct drivers.