Microsoft Archives

I know of more games that are for Microsoft than there is for Apple Inc. and Linux. How come the other two never really entered the video game market?

Specifically, how do I bypass the Genuine Windows Validation? Since I’m not running Windows, I can’t pass it. I need to download WMP11 for a computer with no Internet access.
It’s for XP (I think SP2, but I just started using it and forgot to check).

I’m currently using Microsoft’s Windows XP. How can I change it to Linux Operating System? X

My friend is kind of a nerd and I am not but I do agree with her that microsoft products tend to be somewhat suckish. (No, I’m not into Mac.) Do you have to be brilliant or rich to use Linux? What can it do? I don’t think I would know how to survive without Windows.

cisco or linux or microsoft?

i want to do networking.i completed bsc computers through distance mode.
plz suggest me which is easy to learn ccna or Linux or Microsoft ?
what is the salary for 1 year experienced ccna professional?
please answer my all quations….

cisco or linux or microsoft?

i want to do networking.i completed bsc computers through distance mode.
plz suggest me which is easy to learn ccna or Linux or Microsoft ?
what is the salary for 1 year experienced ccna professional?
please answer my all quations….

just another machine @ probably another Mac sissy

Linux or Microsoft?

Which do you personally prefer ? and why ?

Linux is in violation of nearly 300 patents owned by Microsoft but the distributors and users of Linux haven’t paid a single cent in royalties to Microsoft. In fact, a lot of distributors of Linux offer their OS for free so the users are just as bad as software pirates who are causing Microsoft to lose money and have to charge more for people who legally buy Microsoft Windows instead of people who use Linux or a bootlegged copy of Windows. Why is it legal for Linux to do this?
Here’s a source to an older article. I can’t remember the link from PC World that indicates that Linux is in violation of at least 253 patents owned by Microsoft.

Linux on a microsoft XP/ Dell?

is it possible to instill linux mint 7 on the same HD with Windows XP?

I’m sick of microsoft, but don’t know Linux very well. Here’s my plan: I want to put Linux and windows on both computers. I want to network the two with Linux (I’ll only be using windows for offline work). Will windows interfere with me using Linux as my preferred OS? Any other problems I might face? Is Ubuntu easy to network with?

when configuring it askme for te system should I choose MS2 ,OS/2 or other and how do I install it to the virtual pc only!?

Its so easy to get pirated Windows that you don’t bother buying it. But one should think about whether we should do it or not. I mean it feels good when you are doing the things in a way that you think is right. If I think about it, it seems that the people who did so much hard work in making the Microsoft Windows are getting less paid because of us. What do you think: ‘What is so wrong about using the pirated stuff?’ Moreover, when there is a free alternative available(Linux) why don’t we use it and feel good about not using the pirated one.

I would like the comparison to be on other hardware platforms too. Other then x86 (Intel) hardware.

I am teaching at a school with a Microsoft Windows based network. I am considering ordering 15 Cherrypal Africa netbooks with linux operating system and 160GB hard drive for my students to use in the classroom. I need to know if I order these computers, can they access the network drives to save files on the school network and can they connect to networked printers for the students to print their assignments? Any help in this matter would be greately appreciated. Thanks

1. Which is the best version of Linux & why? (links appreciated)?

2. I only have one PC so I would want to try it installed to a separate partition, alongside windows XP using multiple boot options – I assume this would work?

3. The main reason I want to dump microsoft (& kick bill gates in the nads) is that every time I get a faster processor or more memory, billy gates’s bloatware slows it right back down again (most things seemed to happen faster when I was using a 386SX). IN GENERAL [app dependent], would linux be an improvement in this area?

4. When I remove windows completely, will I still be able to communicate with MSN messenger buddies?

5. How would you describe the learning curve for someone who’s used to windows?

6. In your opinion, Is Linux likely to increase it’s share of the domestic market, and therefore pursuade more software developers to port their products to Linux?
ADDENDUM: I’d also like to know how system stability compares to windows, ditto for overall security – I think my current AV (AVG) is available for Linux but I haven’t checked to be sure.