Mandriva linux error help?
Ok, here the problem:
1. I downloaded mandriva linux free 2007
2. I burnt it onto a DVD
3. I booted the DVD
4. Clicked Install, kept freezing up so I now use the other install – ACPI (or something like that *cant remember)
5. It partitions and everything
6. It gets to start installing then after a few minutes:
Error opening RPM database: cannot open
packages database in /mnt/var/lib/rpm
7. I’ve been looking up solutions and trying everything but nothing is working.
8. Please help!
Tagged with: acpi • few minutes • lib • Linux • rpm
Filed under: Mandrake
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Ok, i only find three possible errors in this case..
1. burnt disc error… probably you may need to burn again.. but it’s not very much unlikely compared to another one
2. you are obviously missing RPM packages… that means, the files under path /mnt/var/lib/rpm are not completely there… OR
you might have downloaded the wrong distribution…(make sure you downloaded the suitable distribution for your machine, mostly, people got mistaken with x86_64 and i386 or iMac regular issues (PPC or Intel)… if you are using PC, you have to know what kind of motherboard and logic you are using, if you buy your computer recently, they are most likely to be 64 bit computing system.. for Apple, most recent Intel Core Duo 2 are 64 bits, so you have to install x86_64 rather than PPC..
did you check sum and monitor the total file size as well??? sometimes, downloading gives you a few errors, too.
3. did you download from where???? simply, Mandriva is not completely FREE of money… but free to do anything on MAndriva.. that means, you may have downloaded 1CD version and you may have wanted to install more packages that are not available… and get it the way you wanted…(make sure to check the versions , i586 or 64bits or ppc? )
IMHO, I do not like to use Mandriva because it’s not complete freedom of usage.. i would recommend to use Fedora which is suppported from Redhat and completely free.. as if you are looking at Mandriva, you are trying to use RPM packaging system and KDE desktop with only 4 langauge support… they all can be found in Fedora 6 or 5 or 4.. Fedora is very helpful because there are thousands of people online who are willing to give you answers if you need at all times.. plus Redhat is implementing some of their Redhat tools in Fedora at no charge.. therefore, you have complete control of your machine, and you can also extend to experiment SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) in Fedora.. which is really good to start…
That’s just my recommendation, the choice is yours.. Mandriva is an excellent distribution, by the way.
hope this helps.
If you are new to LINUX start with UBUNTU. It’s easy to install and use. If you have 256MB of RAM get the full version. If less, get XUBUNTU.