Linux Mint Debian Edition. Will it silence the Debian purists that spurn Ubuntu?
Monday, January 10th, 2011 at
Linux reviews applications open source from SUSE Mandrake Mandriva Centos Redhat Debian and more
let’s hope so, also lets hope that other distributions follow suite and release a Debian version Ubuntu updates have messed up my systems several times, over the passed month.
Hmm. Interesting question. I have not been hanging out on Debian or Ubuntu fora so I have not heard any internal rifts. Apparently you have though. I was just about to try to install Mint 9 on a spare machine here. See if I like it. (Hope my Fedora don’t mind it. — apologies to Katy Perry.)
Perhaps you can recommend a link where I can explore the Debian ~ Ubuntu ~ Mint culture?