Linux Help? 10 points?
Im a total novice when it comes to linux…….. i cant seem to get flash player working and i have no idea what the terminal commands are. windows cmd i know, but this is all new to me.
i donwloaded the flash player rpm file onto my desktop. now what? how do i install using terminal?
and is sudo super user? i though su was super user
im running Ubuntu 9.10
also how do i install themes? and can anybody reccomend a good theme?
Tagged with: flash player • Linux • novice • rpm
Filed under: rpm
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Go to a webpage that has Flash content
For example
In the top right hand corner you will be prompted to install the Flash plugin.
Click on that and there will be several options. Select the Adobe option then enter your password and the installer will take care of the rest.
Once Flash is installed restart Firefox
Countless themes can be found at GNOME LOOK.ORG
How to install Ubuntu themes
Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) User Guide
If you’re using Ubuntu then you should get the .deb package, not the rpm. This is because Ubuntu uses the Debian package system, and rpm (which stands for ‘RedHat Package Manager’) is used on other Linuxes such as RedHat, Fedora, SUSE and more…
To install a .deb, you run something like this (sorry that I am not on Ubuntu to try it exactly):
sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb
On Ubuntu, you use the sudo utility to get super user privileges. This is because the super user account is disabled (it doesn’t have a password so you can’t log in as root, this is done for security reasons and it’s a good feature if you ask me).
The ‘su’ command stands for ‘switch user’, not ‘super user’. If you run it with no parameters it switches you to the root account, but otherwise you run it with a name of an account you want to switch to (for example ‘su udi’ will switch me to my account ‘udi’).
If the deb package gives you trouble you can also install flash manually, by downloading the .tar.gz package and simply copying the file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (that’s the whole installation process – just copying 1 file to its place).