Is Windows better for kids instead of Linux OS?
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 at
I love Linux OS (Ubuntu) on my own computer. But I tried Ubuntu on my 5 year old’s PC. He got confused and still cant get around I have to help him. Now Im taking Ubuntu off and reinstalling Windows XP on his PC. He is happy about the old OS coming back now. Anyone like else go through that too?
Tagged with: Linux • own computer • ubuntu • windows xp
Filed under: Linux
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don’t get rid of the linux if you have it on your computer and yes Windows XP is very Easy to use and learn, Put it on his PC
Linux is meant for work and windows is really meant for both work and gaming
Does he use any other PC’s? If one of the one’s he uses is one OS and another is more familiar Windows based, that’d be confusing for a 5 year old I guess.
I’m sure you don’t have to worry about him being stuck on Windows and will be able to introduce him to the joy of Ubuntu in a few years time. Till then, the important thing is that he’s getting the IT skills in just now, and isn’t relevant what platform it’s on.
My daughter will hopefully be bi-OS-lingual, once she can coordinate her hands!
P.S – Good choice on OS!
any linux os can be set up to be ‘easier’. All it takes is a couple tweaks, maybe some rearranging menus. hey you could even use symlinks to make a ‘my computer, my documents, my music’ setup. rather than /home/user, or whatever. The gnome taskbar can have scripts added to it, i believe that will launch programs, just like the windows one. with linux the possiblities are endless.
Good idea for a 5 y/o, but Linux is brilliant for a more experienced computer-maneuverer! 🙂
I think it all depends upon what he’s used to. If he was used to XP, he’ll be resistant to switching. Children are not unlike typical users in that sense. They don’t care for change.
Kids are naturally conservative and like the first things they learn. Windows is a consumer-oriented OS. I come from a family of engineers though and my great-nephew who is five appears to be as comfortable with any OS as everyone else (I do prefer Slackware Linux for most stuff and Mac for graphics). Of course my great-nephew’s father prefers Gentoo linux, which requires a LOT of maintenance and I have no doubt Nate sees that every day. But no. Windows is not better for kids than Linux No operating system is better than any others — but kids are consumers too and they like the first things they learn.
I tried to find the actual article but I can’t.
I read a year or so ago how they actually did usability test for Win vs Linux and they found for 1st time users Linux was considerably more friendly.
The big problem is is that most people have a bit of familiarity with Windows and it makes the transition harder.
I found that the opposite is true though. By using linux my over all computer knowledge has increased.
I personally think that Linux is the Best OS for any child to start with. My two children (3 and 5 years old) prefer Linux to windows. I had originally dual booted a computer for them to play with, my wife wanted them to use windows, I really didn’t care myself. At any rate they both choose Linux Mint over Windows.
I think that you might want to try an Operating System designed for children his age, Qimo 4 kids is a good distro:
At any rate, I recommend that you read through this article before deciding "Uncluttered Minds Do Not Care…":