Is there any way to create a portable linux OS that can run on Macs and PCs?
I’m just curious. I use Mac OSX (leopard) and I think it would be nice to have a portable Linux OS that will carry all of my files and settings so I could have those where ever I am (and of course so I could avoid using Windows). I was just wondering if there is any way of doing this. Size isn’t much of an issue since I’m planning to get a new flashdrive for it anyway.
Tagged with: flashdrive • Linux • linux os • mac osx leopard • portable linux
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Yes, there is a few types:
Feather Linux
Stress Linux
Flash Linux
Some PC’s or macs will need you to change the bootup order in the BIOS menu when you first boot up your PC, it’s easy to do, but I can’t explain cos it differers from each PC/Mac.
Yes, it’s very possible to use Linux on the go, but I’m not 100% sure if it’s compatible with Mac.
That site has a pretty big list of Linux apps/OSs for your flash drive: I would suggest Ubuntu.
Also, consider running off a Linux live-disc, which can be ordered for free off the Ubuntu website.
Your want the PPC distro’s for PPC macs, and the X86 version for Intel Macs.
As far as portablity Mac OSX uses a Unix like kernel and operating system and is compatible with Linux file sharing and file naming conventions.
You’d want to look into USB based linux distros that support PPC you can find a good distro search at Then to boot to the distro you’d have to set your Mac to boot to USB. If you search the web your find plenty of information on setting up Linux on the PPC architecture and Linux Mac support.
Ubuntu seems to work and I attached a link that discusses it further. Your want an understanding of linux before undertaking this. To get better aniquated with linux try Sun xVM Desktop to run linux inside of Mac OS and get a ubuntu image to install linux inside the virtual machine.