Is there a simple to install Linux OS?
Sunday, August 29th, 2010 at
I know if your computer savvy they are all easy, but I’m looking to pop in a cd and go.
Filed under: Linux
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just insert the cd.and change the partitions to ntfs .you would know what partitions are.try to install it again then they will ask if you want to customize the partitions. click yes and change them into ntfs.
Get the free WUBI Installer (for Ubuntu) for Windows, from:
It’s as easy as pie!
You can install Ubuntu within Windows and uninstall it like a regular program.
Get it here:
There are many different version of Linux. Many of the established versions will allow you to download, or send off for an installation CD or a live CD (runs without installing).
Try Ubuntu?
Either way they will require a certain amount of computer savvy to set up. You’ll find it a lot different from windows. Installing mp3 support and getting it to read your no doubt NTFS hard drives isn’t a two minute job.