Is there a 64 bit version of Yahoo Messenger for debian (LINUX)?
Sunday, January 2nd, 2011 at
I just upgraded from Vista to Kubuntu Edgy 6.10 for 64 bit AMD.
I tried installing the ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb but is says that it needs the 64bit version.
Filed under: Debian
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64 bit versions are very new. Just resently have some things be come available in 64 bit. You are on the cutting edge so it will take time for the rest of the systems to catch up. my boyfriend built his 64 bit computer in december, it took awhile to get everything compatable to 64 bit.
"Buyers of PCs based on AMD’s exciting new 64-bit microprocessors are probably wondering what’s taking Microsoft so long to ship a 64-bit version"
since you have AMD and Vista here is a site that could help