is linux the os of the crybaby cheapo who would make woman pay for dinner on first date?
Sunday, March 14th, 2010 at
is linux the os of the crybaby evil cheapo who would make woman he is dating pay for first date?
Tagged with: cheapo • first date • Linux
Filed under: Linux
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ya right
Don’t be silly. People who use Linux don’t get dates.
No, its the OS of the person who know how to properly run a REAL operating system.
Wait… A Linux troll? Okay.. I think maybe hell has frozen over. Crap. I got some promises to keep!
I got some news for you your $2500 Macbook pro runs Unix and so does the internet.
Btw I’d make her pay if she wasn’t worth hanging onto as I wouldn’t ever see her agian much less have to hear her $…….
And Btw you’ll get much better results tollin in R&S womans’ studies or GLTG