Is it true that linux OS connot be corrupted with virus?
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 at
Also compare Linux OS with microsoft OS
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It can be, just like Mac OSX is able to get a virus, however it is much harder. Linux systems are never run as a root user. In order to install something you must change to a root user and enter a password. This simple step stops the majority of viruses. Secondly, the market for windows and mac is nothing in comparison to windows. It is not worthwhile to create a virus for a unix based pc. That said, if by chance mac’s somehow took over 90% of the market and everyone used them, the amount of virus for the mac would increase substntially.
Although Linux OS can be infected with a virus, but viruses in Linux is quite small in compared with Windows viruses. I haven’t seen any linux distro that has been corrupted with a virus.
Theoretically? No. Practically? Almost.
There are two major differences between Linux and Windows with regards to viruses: First, more people use Windows than Linux, so anyone designing viruses can affect more people by targeting Windows. Fortunately the bad trend everywhere in the software industry to support only one platform and call it a day, ignoring all the other minority OSes, actually helps us here. Second, if someone did publish a Linux virus (a few have been made) the OS and most of the common software is a little smarter, so a virus would have a much harder time getting into a system in the first place and doing any real damage once it’s there.
No its not true. There are viri that affect Linux but they aren’t very common.
The reason Windows has so many viruses is because so many people have Windows. The people that write viruses target the largest base of users in order to spread the virus quickly.
It is hard for a virus to run within Linux though, because every program that tries to change any system files has to have permission from the computer user before it can modify a file.
Windows files can be changed by a program without your promission.
There are only 2 threats to Linux, about 55 to OS X and 87,000 to Windows. It is unlikely a Linux system will get infected.
90% not to be corrupted and 10% who knows??
Just want to throw my vote of agreement in with the others. It is not true. Linux can be corrupted with a virus. That being said it is not nearly as likely because the writers of most viruses want to get the most bang for their time. So while Linux and Mac can brag about the fact they aren’t hit by viruses its really because they take up such a small part of the market share. I am not anti Linux or Mac, I actually use Ubunutu Linux most of the time at home because of the security.