Is downloading open source Linux safe?
Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 at
I am thinking about putting Linux OS onto my computer. Having read a little, and talked to a few people, I know understand that open source code allows any cyberpunk in the world to add who knows what to the OS. That being downloading open source Linux safe? If it is safe, what version is the saffest, and are there other considerations for me to think about?
Tagged with: cyberpunk • Linux • open source code
Filed under: Open Source
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Don’t know who you’ve been talking to, but downloading linux from the links available at the linux vendor’s web site is as safe as downloading anything else.
Yes, it’s open source, so hackers could write viruses and other nasty bugs… on the other hand, peolpe do that all the time for windows and windows is NOT open source. This is a debate that has been going on for years – is it better to be closed and hide the code so no one can find the flaws and Microsoft doesn’t have to issue patches until they are found "accidentally" or is it better to be open so that anyone can find the flaws and they can be patched quickly?
If you’ve never worked on linux before, you should download a "live" distribution – one that boots and runs entirely from CD. Knoppix is the most popular live distro, but there are MANY, MANY others.
Great comparison of Linux vs. Windows:
Because if you’re going to put Linux on a box, there is a virus that will attack it.
Download it from someplace reputable. Redhat or something.
I have never heard of any safety issues with downloading Linux distros.