install microsoft software to linux system?
Saturday, February 6th, 2010 at
i want to ask
my brother use vista
i use good one ubuntu
my brother want give me some essay
my brother send as microsoft word
can i use abi word. k word and open office to open it
if cant
can i install microsoft word in linux
Tagged with: brother • Linux • Microsoft • microsoft word • open office
Filed under: Microsoft
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if ur unable to open a word document in openoffice its most probably a docx format. thats the new office xml format. ul have to ask ur brother to save the file with a doc extension and send it to u.. hope it helps/..
it is two different os you cant install microsoft products on linux two different os although you can down load other word processing software which is open source as long as the extension is .doc prob convert to wordpad as text then open with your wrd processor try this
yes you can open that, but some certain format, fonts from microsoft doesn’t support the other word application you said.
Openoffice will open most Word documents…just in case you want to install Microsoft Office Suite…check out Codeweavers Check out
Microsoft word documents are compatible with openoffice
yes, i would sugest dual booting. where you have both, look it up cause i dont fully understand how to do it yet.
1. Yes, OpenOffice should be compatible with most Microsoft Office documents.
2. Older versions of Microsoft word can be installed under Wine. Wine should be available through your package manager.