If I dual boot an English Version of Windows XP and a Japanese version of Linux OS, will there be any problem?
Saturday, October 10th, 2009 at
I understand that I cannot dual boot a japanese and an english version of windows XP, because it will affect the system’s programming. So, now I’m thinking of dual booting an English version of Windows Xp and a Japanese version of Linux. Will there be any problem if I do so? I mean, will the Japanese version of Linux affect my Windows Xp if I dual boot?
Tagged with: dual boot • japanese version • Linux • s programming • windows xp
Filed under: Linux
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Who told you dual booting two languages of XP would cause a problem? Why not just run one Windows XP with the two languages as part of it(then you can switch)?
nope, you will be fine. do it and have it the way you want it.