I have 224 mb if ram and want a linux based os. What would work for me?
Monday, September 7th, 2009 at
I have a 1.78 ghz amd sempron processor, and only 224 mb of ram. Which linux os. would work for me?
Tagged with: amd • Linux • sempron processor
Filed under: Linux
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That is an odd amount of ram (typically 256mb). Tiny linux might be a good choice (http://tiny.seul.org/en/).
Technical requirements:
* processor : i386 or better
* hard disk : 50 Mo is enough for installation itself, but you will do better with at least 80 Mo
* ram: 8 MB minimum, 12 MB or 16 MB is better
* floppy drive :3"1/4
* keyboard, mouse
Your computer would probably rip it up.
you shouldnt have trouble with most mainstream disrtos.
If you are new to linux you might want to check out freespire first and maybe then look into Ubuntu type distros after that.http://distrowatch.com/ Take a peek at there top 10 or 20 and see what ya think. For the most part the distros mostly look and feel the same (to a degree) but the big differance is how to get the new apps (programs) installed there in lyes the real diferance in distros package managment. Freespires is the easiest by far CNR is a snap. Anything using synaptic package manegment is a real good second place IE Ubuntu, linux mint, PC linux, dream linux Granular ETC.