hows the optimization of suse linux if you insall oracle on it ?
Sunday, June 14th, 2009 at
I just want to use suse linux with oracle ,can you tell twins perfomance?
Tagged with: Linux • oracle • twins
Filed under: SUSE
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SuSE / Novell has developed a package (called orarun.rpm) that does set the user and groups needed to do a basic Oracle (DB) install. it does however ## NOT ## check for the prerequisites.also, orarun.rpm is NOT OFA (Optimal Flexible architerture, Oracle's standard naming convention) compliant
i'm usually using the Oracle Installation guide for Linux (manual b15667 for 10.2) as simply follow the instructions (creating home directory, users, groups, rights aso.) AND(!) checking pre-requisites
you don't mention what SuSE (or openSUSE?) you plan to use, but i would recommend:
- SuSE 9 or 10.0 (NOT 10.3) if you plan to use the paying version
- opneSUSE 10.2 if you plan to go with the open source
(open-)SuSE 10.3 are not working smoothly with 10g R2 (or, as far as i could see, 11g) and require a lot of extra work.
actual tuning of the database is up to YOU, dba, following standard Oracle tunning advice once the software is installed and up & running. Novell provides a very good foundation for any software to run smoothly.
SUSE LINUX is awesome for running Oracle on it. We've been running Oracle 10g for quite some time and have had no problems.
Its very customizable for Oracle and has built in support for Oracle libraries right out of the box. We couldnt be happier.