How to uninstall programs/applications in RedHat Linux 9?
Saturday, June 27th, 2009 at
Now,I'm using RedHat Linux 9 as my personal computer operating system.But I don't know how to uninstall programs or applications,I cannot find file with name,for example,"Uninstall".Especially,to delete applications with resources codes.
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If the file is a rpm which stands for redhat package manager there are pretty easy to uninstall. You can go for the gui and it is called package manager to uninstall. Or you can go to the terminal and type as root# rpm -e whatever you are trying to install. To find programs that you are unsure of the name giving at the point of install type as root which filename like to find ymessenger for yahoo messenger you would type: as root# which ymessenger. IF you go through the rpm version of uninstall it should uninstall completely. If you are talking about tgz, bgz, or tar formats commonly known as source file you type inside what ever directory they are in and type make uninstall.