how to uninstall mandrake linux 9.1?????????????????????????
Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 at
how to uninstall mandrake linux 9.1 becos i install mandrake linux after install and login its not work ?so i want to uninstall my linux but its so hard to uninstallit becos my windows is lost onli linux in my laptop
Filed under: Mandrake
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I’m having a hard time understanding what it is you are asking, but from what I gather:
You had Windows on your laptop
You installed Mandrake 9.1
You cannot login to Mandrake.
Now you want to remove Mandrake.
If you have overwritten the partition that Windows was installed on, then you will need to reinstall Windows or another Operating system.
If you can get into Windows (which sounds unlikely) then you will need to format the partition that had Linux on it via Computer Management in the Administrative tools.