How to install linux Unbuntu, linux Debian, and Windows XP on one hard drive?
I’m trying to install linux Debian, linux Unbuntu, and Windows XP on my laptop, but havn’t been able to do so. everytime I try, I have only been able to load only two (2) of them. Does anyone knows how to do that? If so, please help me.
Thank you in advance for your patience and coorperation.
Every time I insatalled the 3rd OS, the computer only load the 3rd OS, but doesn’t give me the option of chosing the othe OS installed.
Tagged with: debian linux • laptop • Linux • patience • unbuntu • windows xp
Filed under: Debian
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You should be able to install all 3 but you have to do it carefully. First, install Windows XP because XP will mess up the bootloader (i.e. not let you boot Linux without some manual configuration) if it’s installed later. Second, start installing Linux. Make 3 partitions: 2 ext3 partitions and 1 swap partition (this one should be 1 GB). Install one Linux distro on each ext3 partition. In Ubuntu, make sure you do a manual partition and not the guided one because it may mess this up. You can only have 4 primary partitions on a single disk, so if Ubuntu or Debian tries to make a second swap space, it won’t work.
If you would tell us what happens when you try to install the 3rd OS perhaps we could help.
Good luck