how to install java on linux?
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 at
i go to and daily, but im stuck on the cd /usr/java part, it said ‘no such file or directory’, can someone tell me the problem and how to fix it? just put no links to crappy websites, cuz it never helps me, and yes, i downloaded the jre linux rpm.
oh and tell me the problem and how to fixit, then ull get 10 points as usual,k?
oh the cd /usr/java part is at the terminal.
Tagged with: cuz • jre linux • Linux • rpm • sun • usr
Filed under: rpm
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are you unpacking the rpm as root? you need to be.
also, try ‘mkdir /usr/java’
i would bet that you are not unpacking the rpm as root, and you dont have permissions to make a directory in /usr
you are using redhat or fedora right? if not you will need to find a tarball instead of an rpm.