How to install a linux file?
I downloaded game editor for linux and i can’t install it. there is now extenssion such as rpm bin or tar.
The file name is this (exactly) gameEditorLinux and that is it! there isn’t a extension (i have checked in the properties) i have also read the readme and done what it says to do. this is the command it gave but it didn’t work
chmod +x /GameEditor
I have ran that many times.
Any help is welcome.
I have crunchbang linux… (not sure what distro…)
Tagged with: game editor • Linux • readme • rpm
Filed under: rpm
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Extensions are meaningless in linux, well maybe for some, the instructions you’ve posted suggest your file is executable (chmod +x). It probably fails to install because of account restrictions or other. Nonetheless you don’t provide enough info such as distro, & sudo or root. Aside from that, their instructions look good from here.
Edit: Check your typing, Linux is CasESensitvE.
According to the site, you first have to unzip the file:
"In order to execute Game Editor on Linux unzip the file and type (from a terminal window): chmod +x gameEditor ./gameEditorLinux "
unzip on a Linux machine usually acts on a file without an extension, so try unzipping it, first.