How do I install windows xp on a Suse linux platform?
Sunday, January 10th, 2010 at
Linux reviews applications open source from SUSE Mandrake Mandriva Centos Redhat Debian and more
wild guess…
you can (indeed) run XP in a virtual machine on top of SuSE (openSUSE?), but to do that, you’ll need a lot of memory (2 GB a bare minimum) and a very powerful CPU, preferably a dual or even quad-core.
alas, you’ll still need a key or a crack(-ed image).
a b c…
1) download VMWare server from
you’ll have to register, but it’s (still) free
advice: take the RPM (the 2nd Linux option), put it in a directory like /rpm, add that directory as a source in YAST2 and install it thru Yast, very easily.
here is a link, how to install it on SuSE
2) use your favorite search engine to look for ["install xp" vmware]
Google gives a number of solution, with en without XP CD.
your mileage may wary…
First, what do you mean by "platform?"
Secondly, what are you trying to gain by "installing" it? Do you want to run an XP session on top of OpenSUSE? Do you want to dual-boot them? Do you want to replace OpenSUSE altogether? You need to be a lot clearer in what it is you are trying to do.