How do I install programs in Ubuntu Linux ?
Saturday, November 14th, 2009 at
Okay, I have downloaded the Adobe Acrobat Reader to my desktop and it has an extension of .rpm
What should I do now ? Also, at the time of downloading, it gave me several format options :tar.gz, yum.
What are these and what do I do now ?
Please help me out here, okay ?
Thank you so very much.
God Bless.
Tagged with: adobe acrobat reader • format options • god • rpm • tar gz • yum
Filed under: rpm
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You downloaded the wrong one. Ubuntu uses tarballs "tar.gz" and Debian packages ".deb". Ubuntu has a built-in PDF reader, so I’m not sure why you need Acrobat Reader, but you need to download and extract the .tar.gz file, and follow the instructions given with it.
yep Ubuntu already have one installed but also U need use add software menu or Synaptic too install new software
here is good link to help U
plus from add/remove applicationas menu U can see whats already installed or find PDF reader…just type PDF in search
Always check the repos for programs, and Adobe Acrobat reader is certainly in there. Go to the add/remove applications menu to start, it should be listed there, just open the drop down menu and select "show all available packages. Also, you can use synaptic package manager, simply search for acrobat reader. You can install .rpm files on ubuntu you just have to use alien to convert them first to .deb packages, I do this all the time and it works perfectly.