How do i install nvidia drivers in linux?
Friday, March 11th, 2011 at
i am running linux mandriva 2010 free. i know the kernel i have. i have tried everything i could find, and still, no geforce card working properly. i get error after error in driver installation. its a geforce4 mx 440. can i please have a walkthrough on how to get this card to work 100 percent? i am somewhat of a linux newbie, so please go easy on the technical terms.
Tagged with: geforce card • geforce4 mx 440 • kernel • Linux
Filed under: Mandrake
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And you thought linux was going to give you all the benefits of windows without the malware? LOL! You better start posting in the linux boards and hope someone has a driver. You will also find that most of your hardware wont fully function ever! Kiss your software goodbye too. LINUX is not for the average user. It has its perks but few and far between
go to mandriva user forum and ask there they are the one that will tell you how to setup the drivers
try this
ok I have done this once, so I might not have everything quite right. Also I did it on Ubuntu 9.1 so it might be slightly different for you.
First download the tar.gz file containing your drivers. I assume that you have already done this.
Next hit ctrl + F1 (or ctrl + alt + F1 I forget exactly), anyway it should change you over to a black terminal screen. From there enter sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (that works for gnome, I think mandriva might be KDE so I think you just replace the gdm with kdm.)
anyway after that cd to where you extracted the files to (or extract them if need be, I assume you have some video interface, not just shell terminal)
after you cd into the folder with the extracted drivers sudo <somefile>.run (should be something like NVIDIA-Linux…)
hopefully it should compile/install correctly and then you can just do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start (or kdm).
First, you’ll want to download the device driver from the NVIDIA website, provided by me in the sources section. Select the proper video card, and select either the Linux 32-bit, or 64-bit version, depending on which version of Mandriva you have.
Next, you’ll have to find the driver on your hard disk, then extract it using gunzip and tar (search for tutorials if you are unfamiliar with extracting files on Linux, it is fairly easy to do).
Next, type init 3 into the terminal logged in as root to shut down X Windows. This should bring you out of the desktop environment to a simple terminal. Log in as root and find your video card driver again.
Now, run the driver using the command sh (driver name). For example, sh This will run your driver’s installation which the on-screen instructions will guide you through.
Once the installation has finished, you will probably want to get back to the X Windows desktop. Simply type startx into the terminal.
on Ubuntu it’s System-> Administration-> Hardware drivers. I haven’t ran Mandriva for about 2 years so I forget, hope that helps. Google it?