How do I install mySQL through SSH on a linux server?
Thursday, May 27th, 2010 at
I am using my universities CS sever on which I have an account ( and can access through ssh. What would be the wget url i would type to install this software to be able to use mySQL with the nice GUI. The server uses i686 architecture. Once I DL it how do i install it if it is an RPM or .tar.gz file??? What would be the commands?
Tagged with: architecture • myname • myschool • rpm • ssh • universities • wget url
Filed under: rpm
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Unless you have root access to the server, I am not sure that you will be able to install mySQL on the server.
If you can get the "# " prompt via a ssh client such as putty, then you will probably be able to install it with a "tar xvfz …..tar.gz" command to create the source directory.
If you can do this, cd to the source directory created and run a program such as ./config or ./configure. Then you would run "make", "make test", "make install", then "make clean" to install the software on the server then clean up the temporary files.
The chances are that the linux server that you are trying to install mysql on, already has mysql installed. It may just need to be started with a command such as "/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql restart".
You may need permissions to be able to create a mysql database. Talk to the system administrator about this.