how can you run windows applications on a server over the network?
Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at
i am a student administrator in a campus network. i need to install applications on a central server and be able to run the apps remotely from a normal PC on the network. i have done it in linux using a x11 server bt have no idea how to do it in windows
Tagged with: apps • central server • Linux • student administrator • x11 server
Filed under: Linux Applications
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Hi this is khaleel,i know the answer little bit it was correct r not
first u open control pannel goto system, remotedesktop,u give server name and IP
address of that system.u will see the desktop of the server where u want.
so u can install any soft ware from any where and also u can operate server from any other system. these all are in Lan.
I would imagine you could set up a VPN and us RUNAS commands across the network.
You could also run the apps as a remote host.
for all around access you might try a remote GUI interface like VNC. You install the Server and the Client and VNC into the box. At which point you can run anything on it. It may be a little laggy but you can’t beat native support of the box itself as shown through a Remote Desktop window.
There are lots of options, but for performance, I recommend using a Citrix Metaframe server. There is plenty of documentation and description on the net.