how can a mandrake plant help a woman to get pregnant i read it in the bible genesis 30:14-15?
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 at
Reuben gave the mandrake to the mother to take it use it so that she can have children but i have read it here that it cannot be eaten so how did they used it in genesis 30:14-15
Tagged with: genesis • Mandrake • reuben
Filed under: Mandrake
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It was used in spirit – like a fertility charm or bracelet. It doesn’t actually get someone pregnant, it’s just a spiritual or uplifting feeling some people get from these gestures.
well. it lied.
Just another one of the many myths in the bible. Methuselah lived 900 years. Jonah was swallowed by a whale but he survived. Every animal fit on a wooden boat and survived a 40 day long flood.
dance around a tree three times with it at midnight…
That can’t help her get pregnant. But first are you married? And second its not all on the woman. A man as well have to get checked out to see if his sperm is normal. And when she is trying to concieve she have to be ovulating which most females are ovulation 14days starting there period. so if her period comes on on the first of each month start counting starting the day of her period until she/you get to 14. And that is when she ovulates and most likely to get pregnant. But not all women bodies are not the same some women have irregular periods which means that their period or not stable. But I can give you more info I just need to know that exact circumstance. Please let me know so I can help you. But if you are not married I’m sorry i can’t help you b/c you have to be married.