Help with downloading Debian Linux?
Sunday, August 2nd, 2009 at
I have decided I want to start playing with Debian Linux but am having some troubles acquiring it. Where do i download it or if it is more advisable to get the CD how does one get the CD.
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I recommend bittorrent. If you download from a specific server, the server might have a limit on how much you can download per sec, but if you use bittorrents, there is no such limit. I tried downloading slackware from a server and it took about 5 hours, and through bittorrent it took less than an hour.
If you are a rookie to Linux world, then I would recommend Ubuntu first, because Ubuntu is both one of the most popular and one of the easiest Linux distributions out there at th emoment.
You can either download a small file that will connect and install it for you, or download the full version and burn to cd.
The Buy it option is there of course if u want a CD sent to you
The fastest way to download it is to use a torrent and this is legal of course.
Ubuntu Unleashed, availabe a Barnes and Noble for about 60 bucks, has a copy of Ubuntu 8.04. Easiest UNIX ever for configuration. If Bell Labs had done its job 30 years ago we would all be on ubuntu instead of windows.
Takes about an hour to install, give or take, depending on cpu speed etc. Upgrades and patches are provided on a daily basis.
A fun, super-stable system.