For those who know and understand Linux…?
I’m thinking in migrate from Windows to a Linux operating system… But the main problem to do it is the Linux applications, which I don’t know very well. Could you tell/recommend some applications to me?
I need a good image editor (like Corel Draw and Photoshop in Windows);
A good media player (like Windows Media Player);
A good download manager (like Free Download Manager in Windows);
A nice media converter (like FormatFactory for Windows);
And a nice sound editor.
Those kind of applications are the ones which I use more, so, I need them.
And could you tell me what is your favorite Linux distro too?
Thanks, and sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.
* With download manager, I meant an application for download common files from web, like music and other suff.
Tagged with: common files • free download manager • grammar mistakes • image editor • Linux • Linux Applications • linux distro • linux operating system • media converter • music • spelling • suff • windows media player
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*Please note these are what I know to be the closest matches to what you use, NOT merely my personal preferences*
Image Editor – The GIMP or you can run Photoshop in WINE if it’s one of the older versions (CS4, etc.)
Media Player – Banshee comes the closest
Download Manager – Gwget if you’re running Gnome and Kget if you’re running KDE
Media Converter – I’m not familiar with FormatFactory but I think it may be similar to Avidemux in Linux
Sound Editor – Audacity is a great sound editor
My favorite Linux distribution is Fedora, but I would recommend something like Fusion or Linux Mint for a newcomer to Linux.
Hey if u use UBUNTU there is an application called wine it will run many windows applications u can use photoshop and all . U can get ubuntu free DVD from their official site
All the applications that you want to run with linux are available in the software repository for each linux distro. Usually there is more than one app that will fulfill any function and whcih you select ususlly depends on personal preference.
I would suggest for a person that is new to linux that you start with a distro that is easy to install and use like linux mint. It will have an app for each of the functions that you need.
Linux does not use download managers like windows but has its own software manager that downloads and install all software from the repository.
This link has the linux mint software and you can google for "linux mint +type of app you need" and will find several hits.
Good luck
Image Editor: GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) I know you’ve had to of heard of it, right? A lot of people use it.
For Media Player, you can you get Movie Player, Banshee, Audacity, but my personal favorite is XBMC
What do you mean Download Manager? In Ubuntu, you can download everything straight from the repository, and it looks like Apple’s Appstore except it’s all free.
I’ve never had to worry about converting images, but I found a website where you can compile it from source *Which is as easy using the commands ./configure, make, and make install*
You can try Audacity for sound and music editing
You can browse through Ubuntu’s repositories to find what you need, and it’s all there, easy to download with just a click of the mouse.
I’m using Ubuntu 11.04 and it runs perfectly.
Look at this and see if it’ll help you decide
That or Linux Mint
Edit: I still don’t get what you mean by the download manager thing, I’ve never had anything recommend me things, nor have I installed third party software to do so, are you sure that’s not adware? Anyway, you can browse the categories and in Ubuntu’s Software center it gives you recommendations based on what you downloaded. And if you mean download as in Torrent, they have plenty of bit torrent clients. I’m still confused. Can you give me the name of the "Download manager" you’re using.
1. The Gimp, and a few others, None are quite at that level though and require a bit of re-learning
2. WMP really isn’t that good. VLC is a real nice player. Mplayer is good, xine is good, totem is good. (hard to go wrong really).
Also quite a few dedicated to just audio with library support stuff.
3. XDowloader, or Downloader for X is a real snazzy program. Includes ftp, http(s) support, scheduling, recursive downloading, wildcard matching, and multiple queues as well as socks proxy support.
4. FFmpeg is great, but is command line. fortunately there are a few GUI wrappers for it.
5. Audacity to play around with, Ardour for more professional stuff.
6. My favorite distro is gentoo, but for a beginner I would recommend debian-stable or Linux Mint
Image Editor – GIMP (like photoshop)
Download Manager – N/A completely unnecessary software
Media Converter – Audacity is popular, but there are MANY more
Sound Editor – Linux Multimedia Studio, again there are MANY more
Ubuntu is a great distro for somebody new to Linux. Almost all the software you’ll install will be from your distros repos, not 3rd party sites. There is no need (in Linux or Windows) for a download manager. They only served a purpose on dialup as they simulated a bittorrent type download. I’d strongly suggest dual booting until your comfortable with linux they you can go full time.