fdisk tools in Windows-xp and RedHat Linux does not report the full capacity of my 40GB Hard Disk?
Monday, August 16th, 2010 at
When I run the fdisk tools in Windows-XP and RedHat Linux Enterprise or Fedora, it does not report and use the full Capacity ie 40 GB and also on 80 GB Harddisks, it reports approx. 37 GB for 40 GB H.Disk.
How to get the full space (40 GB and 80 GB) utilized?
Tagged with: fedora • gb • Linux • linux enterprise • windows xp
Filed under: Redhat
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There is noway to get that 3 gb it is for fat and to run the system smoothly
thats because when you formatted your hard drive you didnt enable large disc support which would give you full capacity. If you can get a windows 98 boot disk, and know your DOS, then you can repair the version of xp you have already and enable the large disc support in the process. I am not familiar with Linux so I cannot answer how to do it on that system but in Windows you would take out the 98 boot after the fdisk and then reboot your windows xp with the cd in the drive and you will be ok.
3 GB of the full 40 is going as substitutes for bad sectors; this is a bit numerous compare to the usual even used drives for any drive but it is no where near any configuration error. If you know what a low-format software for an IDE hard drive is (as opposed to standard for SCSI), you can use it to verify that.
Manufacturers usualy sell their hdd as x0 GB, where x is (1…80) and considering that 1 GB= 1000 MB, when in fact 1 GB= 1024 MB!!! and 1 MB= 1024 B; so, 40 / 1.024*1024=??? … well ??? =38.zzz. There go 2 gigs of your hard drive space…
Because the software only can count in 2′s power, not decimal.