Evolving our government: can we apply the open-source model?
The way government works today is so last millenium: we register to vote, we elect people to represent us, and they govern from a centralized bureaucracy. Can we improve on this, esp. given modern technology?
Specifically, can we apply the "open-source" model that’s increasingly popular now in technology (Linux, Wikipedia, etc.)? If so, what would that look like? And what are the main challenges, other than massive switching costs or disruption as we migrate/updgrade from one system to another?…
Tagged with: centralized bureaucracy • challenges • disruption • government works • Linux • millenium • modern technology • Open Source • switching costs • technology linux • wikipedia
Filed under: Open Source
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It looks like we’re headed there.We cast votes into computers with no paper trail.Technolgy ads to bureaucacy. We need to go back to a weak federal government, starting by ending the federal income tax.
No, I think the government can work the way it is, modern technology is great but, in the case of elections it is set in the Constitution how this is suppose to work and it has worked for over 230 years.