Dual-boot Windows/Suse linux 9.2 , suse not booting because monitor says singnal out of range?
Sunday, February 14th, 2010 at
I made a dual boot Windows-Linux Suse 9.2 pc, and on lcd and a crt monitor it will never get past startup it wont display any graphics, the monitors just either go to sleep or they say signal out of range!. How to fix this so i can use linux again! Software problem? monitor problem?
Tagged with: crt monitor • dual boot windows • Linux • monitors • sleep • software problem • suse 9
Filed under: SUSE
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Check all your connections FIRST and see if that fixes things..
If not, disconnect one of the monitors and try to boot to Windoze. You should see the "boot loader" screen that lets you choose Windoze or Linux. If XP boots, re-boot and try Linux.
If that doesn’t work, or you don’t see the Boot Loader, your dual-boot install likely trashed the MBR.
You will likely have to re-install Windows, then Suse.