Did JK Rowling create mandrakes?
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011 at
I was going to use some in my story, because I saw that in another story they used Mandrakes. So I was curious if JK Rowling created them. All your help is appreciated.
Tagged with: jk rowling
Filed under: Mandrake
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Mandrakes have been around for a long time. JKR just created a unique way of planting them and describing their antics.
Hope this helps.
No she did not. A mandrake is actually a real plant. Her use of it in Harry Potter came from legends surrounding it and witchcraft from the middle ages.
No,if they are used in another book then no, she also didn’t create The Philosophers Stone. The philosophers stone has been part of Alchemy in the middle ages which was sad to be all powerful and could create something out of nothing which all alchemist and scientist no impossible. The philosophers stone is also use in a manga called ‘Full Metal Alchemist. However I might be wronngabout the Mandrakes, check if they are something different to what was in Harry Potter, as the philosopher stone in Harry Potter isn’t the same one that is part Alchemy.
Answer mine, please?
No mandrakes are real, she just created them in to something magical.