Debian Linux ,does it change anything in the speed of internet?
Saturday, November 13th, 2010 at
A friend told me that if you use Debian linux it will increase the internet speed,is that true ,does it change anything ??
Tagged with: internet speed • Linux
Filed under: Debian
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It can and it can’t.
It is a more streamlined operating system that utilizes and faster browser and so software-wize your RAM will be better utilized therby making the internet ‘seem’ faster when really it’s your computer that is faster. I suppose drivers for your device (hardware) could assist in this faster software as well but…
…you internet provider will still remain the same and have the same speed. Depending on said provider you could call them and set up more speed and a higher bill rate.
No change.
Your operating system has absolutely nothing to do with your Internet speed. Compared to Windows, it will change many things but the base specifications of your computer (clock speed, graphics card capabilities, hard drive capacity, and so on) won’t be changed.
As the other said, Linux will speed up your computer, but not your Internet. FYI, Debian is a bit hairy to install & maintain. I’m sure you’ve heard of both Ubuntu and Mint. Those are actually Debian, but the Ubuntu/Mint teams have added a bunch of stuff that makes it easier to install, maintain, and use.
No. Internet speed is dependent upon your internet provider.
That said, if you have an old/slow computer system a linux system such as Debian can often better make use of the limited system resources (especially memory) than a windows system. The result to you is that your system appears faster.