can you run wordpress on a linux server?
Friday, March 5th, 2010 at
is it the normal way of doing it.
Filed under: Wordpress
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the answer is YES you can run it, but you should prepare some resources for run a CMS(content management system), wordpress is wrote by PHP and PHP is a programming script. you can download PHP from formal site of PHP but there is another option you should consider, wordpress works with MySQL to save information you can download it from MySQL formal website too.those software are free to download for Linux, windows and MacOS. but consider if you want to run a PHP system on windows you should install Apache on your system beside PHP and MySQL. it is free too and you can run it on Linux. but when you want download any version of theme consider where you want run it(Linux, wirndows)
Of course. In fact you better choose linux than windows server for security reason. Windows server is easier to hack.
Yes you can run wordpress on a linux server.
It is possible… Read this example on how to do it …
my wp is running on this kind of server and its much quicker than on a Windows one!
Wordpress was made for Linux/Unix. It works on windows as well.
Wordpress is a specialized content management system for creating blogs. It relies on PHP and MySQL technologies. All these technologies work great on Linux. In fact, most Linux servers run PHP and MySQL straight out of the box, and many commercial servers have easy installations of wordpress.
You can also run wordpress on a Windows-based server if you also install the other required packages. By far the easiest way to do this is through XAMPP:
Many developers use a Windows version for local testing, but do the actual development on a remote Linux server. Linux server-space is much cheaper (sometimes even free) so it is quite cost-effective.
Hope this helps.