Can the word processor in Linux Ubuntu read Microsoft Word and/or WordPerfect docs?
Friday, February 12th, 2010 at
I’m thinking of switching over to Linux, but I want to make sure that I’ll still be able to open my documents through Linux Open Office as they are now, without having to convert them to Rich Text or anything (that could take quite a while).
Tagged with: Linux • open office
Filed under: Microsoft
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Yes , the others are quite right. I run Open Office 2.2 from the latest release of Ubuntu 7.04 and it works great – transfer work between home ( Ubuntu Linux ) and work ( Windows XP ) and have never had a problem.
Finally , welcome to the world of Linux – freedom from the virus infected world of Microsoft.
Have a look at the Ubuntu Forum pages too , here you will get help on virtually everything you could think of.
If you want to run Linux, Ubuntu is the way to go. It is a complete operating system and comes with a very good array of software. There’s Open Office, a complete office suite, GIMP, a very good graphics editor,
Firefox web browser, and much more. You can download Ubuntu at the following web site. Http://
Be advised, it is a big download, almost 700 megs, but well worth the time and effort. When you have the file downloaded, burn it to a CD and then install it form that disk.
It can do word files, but Wrod Perfect is a disaster, Try, Its better and works great on ubuntu
It’ll work fine, I use it all the time.
You can also use Google Docs too.Pretty soon Google Office will also have a presentation program like PowerPoint also.
Open Office works fine for most Microsoft Office files. Sometimes the format or fonts might change a bit, but it will still work. I have no experience using Word Perfect files with Open Office, but I’m guessing that works as well.