Can Open Source Government Work?
Everyone knows whats wrong /w our system. Lack of public voice, pretending to care about people the day after elections, buying senatos/members of parliament /w campaign contributions & lobbyists fighting for corps over people.
i thought open source code worked VERY well for linux taking some of microsoft’s market (better FREE product). just thought spending 15 bucks on the website domain was a good idea. it’s still in it’s infancy and i’d love some help/group of people to discuss ideas /w or help out somehow.
love to push for ideas like:
-votable tax dollars (you earn it, you choose how to spend it)
-voting alongside your mp/senator to see the differences, generate stats
-debates and discussion /w anon users (so more truth gets out)
i can’t make a,,, or website (yet) but can do what i can.
is this attempt futile? does "democracy" even work anymore for "regular people" or are our voices just buried in a sea of problems. sure would love to get financial stats on where the money goes.
freescv @ is my email if yer interested. Also would love to read comments, critiques, or advise from anyone here about the idea.
in computer land open code means problems are exposed and fixed rather quickly. i just thought the same SHOULD be done for our govt.
Tagged with: campaign contributions • cbcnews • computer land • debates • democracy • domain www • email • financial stats • gmail • infancy • lobbyists • members of parliament • mp • open source code • parliament • public voice • s market • tax dollars • voices • website domain
Filed under: Open Source
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"i thought open source code worked VERY well for linux taking some of microsoft’s market (better FREE product). "
I disagree, the end result was a huge number of Linux kernels and distributions, each of which has their own twists, and all of Unix / Linux systems have a high learning curve which makes them impracticle for average users.
Open Source government would require contributors to have access to things like the CBO or their own economists to help craft policy.